Sunday, September 9, 2007

The last deck board is officially in!

Last Deck Board! YEAH!

There's THE MAN! He is drilling the last screw into the last deck board. =)

Here is a little view of the deck from our bedroom window upstairs.

This is a picture of Savannah's pile of "love stones" she collected outside while daddy worked on the deck. (If any of you have seen the movie "Happy Feet" that is where the term "love stones" comes from.) She LOVES being outside with Daddy on Saturday.

Here's daddy's little helper. She brings him all the screws when he needs them.

Here's daddy's other helper. She's pretty good at just grabbing the nearest tool and slobbering all over it. Hee hee.
Two cute helper girls.
Here is Savannah lining up all the screws for Daddy. "Daddy, do you need another one yet?"

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