Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I love my Savannah

I was going to try and post a bunch of pictures of Finland, Lake Powell and the garden to try and catch up, but I just don't feel like spending that much time on the computer tonight. I'm so beat.

But, I did want to share how grateful I am for my sweet Savannah. Lately, we've had a struggle with her getting out of bed, several times, each night after saying good night. Fortunately, for us, she never had this problem when she transitioned from a crib to a bed. Anyway, I've told her to say a prayer if she's scared and she says that doesn't work. I told her that her prayers will only work if she has faith. We've also tried letting her read a book for a little while in bed before going to sleep but I can tell she's been staying up too late doing that because she's taken two naps this week. So, last night, I let her stay up an hour later (b/c she'd taken a nap) hoping that she would just go right to sleep. About 10 mintues after I closed her door, I heard her come down stairs and say, "Mom, there's something I need to tell you!" She started to tell me about the noises by her bed, but I ignored her, picked her up and carried her back to her bed and was about to loose it when I heard my mother in my head saying, "ACTIVE LISTEN". So, I took a long, deep breath and said, "You're scared of the noises by your bed." She nodded. I suggested we turn her sound machine on louder so she couldn't hear the noises. She said that was a good idea. I was so glad I used active listening to validate her fears instead of just yelling at her because it worked. I told her that I loved her, but I didn't want her to come out again. She promised she wouldn't...and she didn't.
Tonight as we were reading books, she told me she said a prayer "the other day" and it worked. I smiled. Then, as she said her bedtime prayers, she prayed that she would sleep good and not be scared and that she wouldn't come out of her room. I had a smile on my face through her entire prayer, and I think she opened her eyes and saw me smiling...I could tell in the tone of her voice. I love her. She pushes back a lot, but in the end, she wants to please us and do what's right. I'm so grateful that she has a desire to choose the right. I pray that that desire stays with her throughout her life. She teaches me a lot about myself and about being a parent. I know she is so much like me (and like I was as a child) and it's scary. There's nothing like a clone to show you your weaknesses and rub them in your face in order to make your realize what you need to work on. =} On that note, I'm going to bed early. Sweet dreams...


The Brown Family said...

Thanks for the advice, althought I am sure you didn't mean to. I have 3 boys who will get out of bed multiple times at night saying that they are scared. I tell them that there is nothing to be scared about and to go back to bed. Maybe I need to try the active listening part. We'll try it. I can't wait to see your trip pictures.

Martineau Family said...

I love your Savannah too... What a little angel! Big hugs from Jen sweetie.

Unknown said...

What a sweetheart! Sometimes it is hard to be an active listener!I learn my weaknesses from my kids all of the time. But that is why we love them!

Moreau's said...

What a great mom you are! I wanted to thank you for the adorable socks! I am really bad at thank you notes, so if it takes me a while, just no that we all love them, my older girls went crazy for them! I also want to order two of the nursing covers. Let me know how to do that! You are amazing!

Candace said...

We heard about your most recent incident. Hope you guys are doing ok!!