Friday, August 15, 2008

Coming out our ears!

Zucchini that is!
Our garden is just going crazy this season. We've had to give away so much of it because we can't eat it fast enough! I hate to admit it, but I'm sort of getting sick of zucchini bread. I know, how do you get sick of that? Especially my recipe. It's like cake! But, too much of a good thing tends to get a little nauseating. But, we've loved sharing our veggies with our neighbors. =)

This shot was taken about a month ago from an upstairs window. It's even bigger now! We have two HUGE pumpkins growing (good thing we only have 2 kids) and our cucumber plant now has about 5 cucumbers that will be ready tomorrow. I picked one today, along with 3 zucchinis, 4 squash, 10 cherry tomatoes and 1 strawberry. (Yes, only one strawberry. The dang squirrels keep getting to them first. ARG!) The onions look about ready and I used some fresh basil last weekend for a girl's night for that fresh mozzarella, tomato and basil salad with baquette pieces. So yummy! It was so nice to have fresh basil in my garden and not have to go the store and try to find a decent batch of it. Gardening has never been more fun!!!

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