Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Discovery Museum

The kids and I went to the Discovery Museum at Gateway Mall with Lara and her kids over Spring Break. It was the first and only outing I took the girls on that week and it was at the tail end b/c I was finally feeling well enough to go out. They had a blast and the best part was, Lara got 2 for 1 tickets for all of us with her military discount! WAHOO!
This water play area was a hit!

Unfortunately, it wasn't until after Avery douced herself in water that we realized they had water aprons you could put on your kids. Poor girl was soaked the rest of the day!

Holly played a while in the kitchen and playhouse and claimed her toys. Those cows were hers and she made everyone else aware of that!

I didn't see Savannah most of the time we were there because her and Ian were off playing together and I had to stay with Holly. So, I didn't get very many pictures of her, but she sure had fun!

They had a real stationary helicopter on the deck so the girls climbed in and took their first ever helicopter "ride". =)

I think these were the cutest pictures I got the entire day. I watch the news every morning so Holly knows all about it. As she held the mic, I asked her to tell me about the weather. She said it was sunny...and it was! =)

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