Savannah is 6 1/2 and is in first grade. She just lost her first tooth! She love math, PE and art. She is constantly doing art projects. She loves to make and eat zucchini bread. She is very loving and sweet to her siblings. She is such a big helper around the house and is often done with her chores before I even wake up in the morning!
Holly is almost 3 years old, going on 13. She is very petite...just now getting into 24 month size clothes! She loves to sing and say prayers and her favorite color is black. (Note the color shirt she picked out for her pictures.) She is very athletic and lights up the room with her smile and charm.

Jeffrey is 4 months old and also pint sized, weighing in at a whopping 12.3 lbs.. He is still in 0-3 month clothes and they are finally fitting just right. He is always smiling and rarely cries. He loves to talk and coo and loves all things that squeak. He loves when I sign to him. He just started grabbing his feet with his hands and thinks he is somethin' else when he does it. =)
Good grief those kids are cute. I can't get over how gorgeous both of those girls are! They are going to be heartbreakers for sure. I just LOVE their beautiful long hair. Jeffry has got a great smile!
Cute!! I thought Holly's fav color was RED!!
Great pictures - we miss you around here, Kacy.
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