Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Catching Up

My cousin Connor and his wife Jody told us about this gardening method and how it was supposed to do wonders for your fruits and veggies. So, we decided to give it a shot this year. Here's hoping!

The first plant...yellow squash.
Savannah planted her own pumpkins!
Basil, oh sweet basil!
From left to right (back row): cherry tomatoes (2), honeydew (3),
(front row): grape tomatoe (2), cantelope (2), watermelon
Left to right back row: chives (which you can't see), Cilantro, white onions, yellow onions, cucumber, 2 crooked neck squash
Left to right front row: 2 Basil, 2 eggplant, 3 squash
We planted the back box too (no pictures yet), mostly with tomatoes, and strawberries, and of course, zucchini! The wind has really mangled many of the plants so far, so we're not sure how well they will do. We figure, the hardest part (the grow boxes and soil mix) is done, so next year we can focus on wind blocks. =} Keep your fingers crossed!

Mother's Day

More often than not, I get pictures of silly faces from Savannah rather than smiles, but this time she cooperated for one of the pictures...for mother's day. =)

Holly was eating bread in her highchair and being so silly. This is one of the videos I caught of her... (the singing at the end is a line from Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Can you guess which line she's singing?)


Moreau's said...

"Up above the world so high!" Am I right? That video is so cute! At first I thought she was asleep, then I thought she was gagging, about to throw-up, and then she surprised me by breaking out into that sweet song! So cute!

The Brown Family said...

She is a little cutie! I can't believe she is talking so well. She is only 18 months, right? How did you ever get that? My kids are either camera happy (want to help to much to be on it) or camera shy (don't do what I wanted to get them to do on camera). I guess I'll have to keep trying. That was priceless!

Not quite Utards said...

Karen, you got it! I thought she was gagging too, but then she broke out in song. It was so funny!

Candace said...

Looks like Dan and I know where to go for dinner and/or the goods!!! Way to go!