Sunday, June 15, 2008

Lemonade for Sale

Savannah had her first lemonade stand yesterday! We sat on the corner of the entrance to our subdivision on the main road and sold $.10 glasses of lemonade for one hour and made $9.20!! (sorry, I only had my cell phone with me and I don't know how to get the pictures off of it)
The most fun part was watching people drive by and then turn around and come back for lemonade. Savannah probably only really sold 15 glasses of lemonade, but after many generous tips, she was able to make a lot more than $1.50!
Here is Savannah counting her loot!

This was her first time making money, so she was able to pay tithing for the first time. She was so tickled to be able to pay tithing.
She filled out the form (with help), put the slip and money in the envelope and...
...gave it to a member of the Bishopric. Good for you, Savannah!

1 comment:

The Dobrons said...

So cute! What a good learning experience. She is growing up so fast! What's she going to do with the rest of the money?