Monday, August 6, 2007

Answer to Prayer

Okay, so I felt like Holly wasn't getting enough milk from nursing and I was worried because she wouldn't take a bottle. We were also getting ready to take a road trip to San Diego and I really wanted to be able to give her a bottle in the car so we wouldn't have to stop and wait for me to nurse every time she got hungry. I tried 3 different kinds of bottles and different flow types. Nothing seemed to interest her. So, I started praying for help. I tried the number 4 flow nipple on the Avent bottle and she was practically gagging. Okay, too fast. I had tried the number 1 slow flow nipple but she just played with the bottle and didn't drink the milk. Well, I decided to make her wait until she was really hungry and try again. I was cleaning house the day before we left for SD and she started getting fussy after about 4 hours from her last feeding. So I thought I'd warm up one ounce and see if she took it. I had barely taken it out of the microwave before she grabbed the bottle out of my hands by the nipple and tried to put it in her mouth. I thought, "Fine, you can have it!" I just layed her down and gave her the bottle. She held the bottle herself and DOWNED it! I was like, "SWEEEEEEEEEEEET!" I think I literally did the dance of joy! This was about 3 weeks ago, and since then, she has taken the bottle every time I've given it to her. I'm so grateful that my prayers were answered!! Love you, Holly!

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