Saturday, October 27, 2007

Driver's Ed 101

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon and Doug was working on the platform for the hot tub outside so I put Holly out on the deck in her walker to watch him. She had such a blast having so much room to walk around and explore. I watched her cover that entire 600 square foot deck with such smooth walker maneuvering. I couldn't believe her ability to "drive" her walker all over the place. She got herself into a corner (first video below) and was able to back right out of it with ease (second video below). I was truly impressed!
Happy girl!

BIG Steps!

1 comment:

Martineau Family said...

Yea Holly! The boys need to come teach you how to ride that thing down the driveway and off a jump :P

oooooooooh, BrookLynn says no.

We loved your movies! Miss our beautiful girls!