Monday, January 21, 2008

It's officially official =)

Well, she's finally officially walking. We knew all she just needed was a confidence booster. It was late Thursday night, we had just put Savannah to bed and Holly was wired! Daddy was chillin' on the couch and I was laying on the floor with Holly. I told her to go tickle her daddy's toes so she crawled over to the recliner, puller herself up and tickled his toes "Geegle, geegle, geegle." All of a sudden, Holly let go of the recliner and took off toward me...FIVE STEPS! We were so excited. She took 7 steps twice after that and could tell she had done something wonderful because she would crawl around in circles going ,"Aaahhh, aaahhhh, aahhhh, aaaahhh." (I'm not sure what was in the juice we gave her at dinner.) Anyway, we weren't sure if the confidence would last through to the next morning, but sure enough, I stood her up and she walked across the room. Yeah Holly! She's still quite unstable, but she's getting the hang of it. I think my favorite part is the "plop" when they all of a sudden lose their balance. Makes me giggle everytime. Hee hee hee.

1 comment:

The Dobrons said...

YEAH! That plop at the end is hilarious! YAY HOLLY!