Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Praying for a Miracle

I'm not usually one to talk politics (mostly because I don't feel I know enough about politics to hold my own in a discussion), or to express my feelings about such things on my blog, but after last nights primary in Florida, I'm really concerned. I know Mitt Romney has been ahead in total number of delegate votes, but after McCain took all Florida delegates last night, I'm starting to really worry. Romeny says in his campaign letters to us that he is the only Republican that stands a chance against the Democratic Party in November. Of course he would say that, but, I have to agree. I don't think McCain stands a chance against Hillary. Ooohh, I just cringe everytime I even mention her name. I told Doug that if she becomes our President, I probably will turn the TV off anytime she comes on to give a State of the Union, or any other kind of address to America. I can't stand listening to her. I fear, deeply, for our nation if Hillary becomes our leader in the White House. I prayed this morning for a miracle in the next Super Tuesday 21 state vote. I'm really hoping, and praying, that Romney can pull through. I feel he is the right man for the job. I'm not completely convinced that he would win if put up against Hillary, but again, at this point in the game, I'm praying for a miracle.


Charlotte said...

Kace - I'm with you about Romney. I hope he gets the nomination. But I'm curious as to why you hate Hillary Clinton so much. Care to explain what makes her worse than any of the other candidates?
PS> Love your new family pic!!

Carli said...

Amen. I also am scared of McCain. I don't have quite the contempt for Hillary. I get to attend a Romney rally on Friday in Denver and I am really looking forward to it!

Mitt in '08!!!

Moreau's said...

Ditto! I can't stand Hillary Communist Socialist Clinton! And will not watch anything presidential if she is elected. And McCain is so liberal! I am praying too for Mitt! Even if he was not LDS he is the best for the job.