Sunday, November 25, 2007

7 Weird/Random Things About Me sister tagged me with this one on the 9th of November. I've been avoiding it because I've had too much going on to have to think of 7 things but I'll give it a shot on the spot! =)

1. I love learning new skills and how to do different crafty projects but my problem is that once I learn the skill, I go out and buy everything you need to do LOTS of those projects and then don't have time to do them so all the materials just sit in boxes in my house. (Hair bow supplies, crochet thread/needles, beaded sock supplies, holiday felt kits, cake decorating materail, fabric plate material, etc. etc.) Maybe when my kids are all in school, I'll have time to go back to them.

2. It drives me nuts to have "stuff" on the counters, floors, etc.. Especially papers in the office. I HATE IT! I am constantly picking stuff up and putting it away or moving it to a room where it's not in the main living area. If there is stuff all over the family room floor and couches, I feel like my house is a disaster. Doug always tells me "It's not dirty, it's just stuff that takes 5 minutes to clean up." I still hate it.

3. I HAVE to get 8 hours of good sleep or I'm a cranky zombie. I rarely stay up past 10:30pm. I was always the first one to fall asleep at slumber parties and the first one to wake up. (Funny story: I was at a slumber party once and they put my bra in the freezer. When I woke up before anyone else and noticed my bra missing, I looked in the freezer and found my bra, took it out of the freezer and warmed it up (aren't you supposed to get it wet so it freezes? They didn't.) and had it back in my bag by the time everyone else woke up. I acted like nothing had happened. They were all so confused.)

4. I have receeded gums on many of my teeth because I brush too hard. They tell you to brush with light pressure for a long period of time. I've tried, and tried, but I almost always end up pushing hard and brushing fast. I feel like my teeth just aren't clean enough if I don't push hard. Well, I'm paying for it now on some of my teeth where the nerve is exposed. Doh!

5. I love scrapbook paper. My friend, Carli, once asked on her blog if there is such a thing as a paperaholic. I think I'm one for sure. I have more scrapbook paper than I could ever get through. The funny thing is, I buy it and then I don't want to use it or cut it up because then I won't have it anymore. So, my goal this year was to USE what I have and not buy anymore paper. Well, it's November and I've done really well. (I've just moved on to ribbon!) AAAHHHH!

6. I am a "WW" as my grandma used to call me. A Worry Wart. I worry about a lot of stuff, much of which I have no control over. I think I create a lot of anxiety in my life from worrying. Especially when it comes to my kids.

7. When I was about 10 years old, there was some kind of boxing show on the tv and the looser of the match was getting his long hair shaved off and shouting "No!" as they were shaving his head. I remember watching that and getting so sick to my stomach that I almost threw up. From that point on, I was never able to get my hair cut any more than a 1-2 inch trim at a time. I would have nightmares about someone shaving my head or cutting my hair really short. I've loosened up quite a bit since then, and I was finally able to get 7-8 inches cut off my hair when I was in college. But it really disturbed me as a child.

Well, I don't know if those are really random enough, but it's done. =) And, I don't like making people feel obligated to do anything, so I'm not tagging anyone else, but I hope you enjoy my random querks! =)

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