Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Weekend getaway to warmer weather!

Fun in the SUN!

Trampoline playin'

The girls' shirts say "Little Shredder" on them compliments of "littleshredder.com", a business my brother and his wife started. Feel free to take a peek!

At the park

Poolside playin'

Holly is signing "turtle" in the picture above.

Walkin' barefoot in February in the warm grass! =)

Baby playtime

We drove Jeffrey to the Youth dance Saturday night and it brought back so many memories of when I was a youth. I LOVED the youth dances!

Here's one of the few pictures I got of Glen since he was upstairs on "bed rest" nearly the entire weekend after putting a hole in his leg trying to kickstart his dirt bike in sandals. DOH! (If you want to see the pictures...link over to the Martineaus blog on my friends/family links.)

So, I'm not usually much of a gamer, but I have to admit, the wii is totally addicting! I bowled a ton, and whooped Jen's butt at boxing. I was SO sore after boxing. It was quite a bit more fun than just kick boxing the air...I got to punch Jen in the face a bunch WHILE working out! Hee hee =)

We ate at Paradise THREE times while I was there. It was SO yummy!

Thanks for sharing your warm sun with us, Martineaus!

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